Wednesday, October 23, 2013

the language of blessing.

Blessings express our feelings. They need not be traditional ones. They simply need to come from the heart. When they do, they can change lives. -  

Earlier this year Nate and I had the privilege to spend some time with a couple that has been successful in business and many other areas of life as well. We noticed that in conversation they often talked about how blessed they are. They told us about speaking aloud how blessed they are has made such a huge difference in there lives and also there outlook on life. 

I was so challenged by that thought and decided to put that to practice in my own life. Because I always tend to see the negative in life. I see the worst in people before I see the good. I see all the problems in this world before I see the freedom we have. 

Its been amazing to me to see how much my heart and outlook on life has shifted from very negative to feeling so thankful and blessed for all the good in my life. And let me just add its not just physical blessings -its relationships, its a loving husband, its the gift of salvation and the list could go on. 

We have an opportunity to look at our lives and decide what to focus on. Will it be the tragedy, the pain, the hardship? Or will it be a blessing? 

“May God be gracious to you and bless you and make his face shine upon you, that God’s ways may be known on earth and his salvation among all nations.” – Psalm 67:1,2


  1. I love this. Keeping your focus on blessing also keeps you humble. It reminds you that the successes in your life come from the blessings in your life- it's not as much about what you have done to accomplish great things, but the ways God has empowered you in your life.

    1. how many amens can I say this? its also brings so much joy! xox.

  2. Love, love, love this.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. so true! Thanks for sharing this!



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