My sweet friends Lauren and Ashley both nominated me this week for the Sunshine Award. So here goes a whole lot of random nonsense about me.
So here's the scoop on how this whole blogger award thing works.
1. Include the award logo
in your post.
2. Link to the person who
nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions
about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers to
receive the award. Link the nominees to your post and notify them!
Here we go with Ashley's questions.
1. What is your favorite place you’ve ever been?
2. What is the blog you visit the most outside of your own?
My bestie
Shelley. Its easy for me to fall behind in reading blogs, but I always make sure to catch her posts. You should go check her out.
3. Did you have any childhood pets? Tell us all about them!
I used to have a little puppy. We lived beside a busy highway and he ended up getting killed. I was pretty heartbroken.
4. What would be your dream job?
Open my own Cafe/Coffee Shop
5. What was your favorite childhood toy?
My uncle gave me a doll one Christmas that I remember spending hours and hours playing with.
6. Tell us something most readers probably don’t already know about you
My toenails must be painted at all times. I cant stand bare toes.
7. Are your finger and/or toe nails painted right now, if so what color?
Yes. Toes are really dark purple and my fingers dark grey
8. What is a talent you don’t have but wish you did?
I wish I could sing and play music.
9. What was the last really amazing meal you had?
Last night I had this killer Cobb Salad.
10.Who is the most dialed number in your outgoing calls?
My husband.
11. What are you most looking forward to between now and the end of the year?
I am pretty stoked about all the goodness that this month will hold.
And Laurens.
What city have you visited and didn't like? Why?
New York City. Its fun for a day, but a nightmare to get around in.
What is your favorite clothing store?
JCrew, Loft, H&M and Forever21
Do you prefer the city, suburbs, or country?
What is your favorite TV show?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I love night time!
Pancakes or French Toast? Why?
French Toast!!
E-reader or books?
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Fall and Spring.
Do you have a favorite blog post?
Hm no. Not one that comes to mind.
So here's where I am going to be really lame and not tag anyone else. Basically if you want to play along answer the following questions and link back to this post.
1.What inspires you?
2.Whats your favorite thing about fall?
3.Whats your dream car?
4. What trait do you most admire about yourself?
5. Whats your least favorite thing to shop for?
6. Where is your favorite place to read?
7. What is one thing you wish you could have told your self in your teenage years?
8. Who is one person that has greatly influenced you?
9. What drives you?
10. Breakfast or Dinner?