Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

"For a child has been born for us, a son given to us;
authority rests upon his shoulders;
and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
His authority shall grow continually,
and there shall be endless peace
for the throne of David and his kingdom.
He will establish and uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time onward and forevermore."
Isaiah 9:6-7 

Merry Christmas to you and yours! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas in the apartment.

I had so much fun decorating and getting our little space in the holiday spirit this year. at times I get annoyed with how little space with have and start to feel dissatisfied, wishing for a bigger space to spread out at. but this christmas I just feel really thankful to be here in this space we call home and to able to enjoy it with my husband. my heart is breaking today for this family. two days before christmas and 2 months before his first baby boy will be born his family is putting him to rest. my heart cant fathom the emotions his young bride must be feeling. 
 this christmas may your heart be filled with JOY that only comes from Jesus, the real reason we celebrate christmas! 

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Currently | I am feeling like I am barely keeping my head above water. I adore this season, but why must it always be so busy? Between now and next weekend there are like a million and two things that must be crossed off my to do list. We are hosting two parties at our house next weekend which I am so excited for, but it just means I have so much to do to get ready.  And the end of the year is right around the corner, which means that I have projects that must be wrapped up for the business.  

Currently | I am excited about singing in the Christmas choir at church this weekend. Its going to be so great! 

Currently | I am loving this Cinnamon Tempest tea. Its like Christmas in a cup. 

Currently | I am feeling so grateful for the gift of life. We had a harsh reminder this week that life is truly a gift and it ought to be celebrated and valued. I am looking forward to being with family this Christmas and treasuring my time with time with them. I also think I'll be doing some unplugging! 

 Happy Friday! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013



I love this time of the of the year, the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the holidays, the time with family, the food, playing games with cousins and maybe even a football game or two. And this year for the first time in awhile I get to go black friday shopping with my mom and sisters. For the last several years I've always had to work and have never been able to join the mobs. 

This year I am thankful for so much and yet my heart is also sad.
 I can't help but think about my dear friend who just lost her mother this week. 
I can't help but feel sad for all the families who lost their job this year and cant afford turkey and all the fixen's
I can't help but think about all the homeless people freezing in this cold winter weather.

There is so much brokenness in this world and sometimes I find it really hard to deal with all of that! Anyone else feel like that? 

Enjoy the holiday. 

ps. this is a great read for your thanksgiving. 

 he brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me. 
2 Samuel 22:20 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cara Box Reveal

 For the first time I did the Cara Box exchange this fall hosted by Kaitlyn at wifessionals.  The theme for Cara Box was fall and since I am somewhat crazy about all things fall I knew it wouldn't be very hard to have some fun with this exchange.

 I was paired up with the beautiful Ashley and Lauren and I really enjoyed getting to know both of them over emails and through their blog posts. 

To see what I sent Ashley you can go here. 

 This was the amazing box I received from Lauren.  I adore Trader Joes, but rarely get to go since the closest one is 2 hours away, so when Lauren sent me all these lovely items from TJ I was just delighted. The pumpkin spice tea is simply amazing and I've been using the Vitamin E oil almost daily since getting it. I am waiting for just the perfect time to try the Pumpkin Muffins. Maybe this weekend?!  And check out that cute owl plate! So darling! 

 One of my favorite things about blog world is all the wonderful women you get to 'meet' and the relationships that are formed through blogging. I was so reminded of that again and felt so blessed and encouraged by these lovely new women I had the pleasure of getting to know. 

If you haven't ever signed up for the cara box and want to give it a try, the next sigh up period is December 2-4! For more information on how it works, Kaitlyn explains it all over here. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Thankful Project | Day 14

  Linking up with Chasing Happy  for day 14 of the Thankful Project. 

So in my last post I talked about how grateful I am to be able to work from home and the flexibility that brings for saying yes to opportunity's in the community and church.  Well I am still really thankful for that, but somehow I've found myself in a place to where I've said yes to one to many things and I am feeling a little overwhelmed. Things have been just a little on the crazy side for me this week and there have been moments of panic wondering if I can get all these projects done in a timely manner. 

I asked myself if there was anything I could say no to this week and I found its so hard to say no to things that you really enjoy doing and really feel passionate about. Anyone else struggle with that? 

So today I am grateful for the blessing of being able to serve and say yes to dreams and passions!

Speaking of passions.  I and a group of women from the area are working to bring something really exciting to the community early next year. Its a cause that I feel so passionate about and its so exciting to be able to join forces with other women who are just as excited as I am to bring awareness to this cause. Stay tuned for details coming on that! 

What blessing are you most grateful for today? 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Thankful Project | Day 7

                           Linking up with Chasing Happy  for day 7 of the Thankful Project. 

I've had my fair share of jobs, some I really loved and some I really hated. The most recent job I had was one of my favorites, I adored the company I was working for and what their mission was  as a company. I had tons of opportunity to grow and move on up in management. But after getting married and quickly realizing that if my marriage was going to be priority I would need
 to quite my job. It just wasn't going to work for both of us to work 50+ hours a week and still have a life. I also have aspirations of having my own business someday and I saw that if I invested my time and talents into helping my husbands business be successful  it would be much easier for us to start a second business. 

It was a really hard decision at the time, but looking back I am so grateful I made the choice I did and I am so grateful for the job I have now. 
I work out of our home for our business + I do a bit of volunteer work for our Church.
love the flexibility I have now. If I want to take time off to travel or schedule coffee dates or other appointments isn't hard to arrange that in my schedule.  

While there are many perks to working from home, there are also some downsides. I struggle with being self motivated and its so easy for me to get side tracked. Just this morning I read a really great blog about staying organized and getting things done.  Go check it out- regardless if you work from home or outside the home its just good practical stuff. 

Do you work from home? Would you like to? What tips do you have to stay motivated and on task? I would love to hear your thoughts!  

Happy Thursday Friends! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Thankful Project : Day 5

I am back for day 5 of The Thankful Project. I fell off the boat for day 3 & 4. But no guilt, I had real life stuff happening :)

Today's prompt is "a talent you have" and well I'll be honest I thought about just skipping day 5 as well. Because often I feel like I don't have a lot of talents. But one thing that came back to me numerous times was my passion to be creative and create beauty around me. I grew up in a home where creativity was encouraged and so I attribute my love for creating beauty to that. For as long as I can remember my mom has been a collector of items that many would call junk, but with a little love she often would turn it into something beautiful. Also growing up my mother made almost all of our clothes and I remember she would pick out fabric with a little extra edge and add a little ruffle here and there to bring a little beauty to our somewhat plain and boring clothes. (we were in a church that had rules on how to dress) She told me once that she had been accused of being to fancy ;)

Our bridal table from our wedding, that I had so much fun creating.

In the past few years I've been busy pursuing a career and have not always had the resources to pursue my creative side, but since getting married I've been blessed to have the ability to embrace that more and the more in touch I become with my creative side the more alive I feel as a women. I really believe God created us as women to not only feel beautiful but also to create beauty around us in our homes, our clothing choices and in so many other areas of life.

So today I am grateful for creativity and the ability to create beauty in this world!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Thankful Project : Day 2

Linking up with Chasing Happy today for day 2 of the Thankful Project. 

As the firstborn I played the role of older sister to 5 siblings, 1 deceased. 
And I am really grateful for that role, while it was full of challenges growing up, I learned how to be responsible and care for my younger siblings. It also taught me how to be a leader and role model for those around me. 
I am so proud and thankful for each one of my siblings and my prayer for all of them is that they could truly be all that God has created to them to be and live out his purpose in there lives. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Thankful Project : Day 1.

   So I recently stumbled upon the blog Chasing Happy and Kenzi put together The Thankful Project for the next 28 days. Its all about intentional gratitude and community. 

Kenzi had this to say about The Thankful Project 
"The motivation behind The Thankful Project is this: an attitude of thankfulness can help us push through and overcome just about anything. It can keep us afloat when our world crashes down around our shoulders. It can help us be content with who and what we are right now, at this very moment. It can boost our self-esteem, strengthen our relationships, give us motivation to persevere through tough stuff, and give us perspective when we're so busy we can't stop our heads from spinning. Being thankful, and taking the time to express that gratitude, makes us happier, healthier individuals. And by sharing our gratitude, we have the power to encourage and build each other up. We even have the potential to change lives. It might sound hokey or idealistic, but it's true. Intentionally cultivating an attitude of gratitude will change your life." 

And I so connected with that statement. I am fighting some tough battles right now and it would be so easy to really discouraged. But I want to chose gratefulness. I have so much to be grateful for! 

So today I am so grateful for my husband.  I love and adore many things about him, but the biggest thing that I am so grateful for is how he lives in grace and is able to love and shower my life with so much grace. From his example I've learned what it means to love on others even when its hard to love at times.   I am also grateful that he encourages me to pursue my dreams and explore my creative side as a women. 

And let me just throw this in for whatever its worth. If your single- Do not settle, for anything less then a man that will love you and shower you with grace like Christ loves his bride. It isn't worth it! 

be blessed!  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lately On Instagram.

flying to Pennsylvania this past weekend. 

on the way home in Chicago. one of my favorite airports.

 a couple weekends ago we picked apples at the local orchard. i love a good apple! 

                                                               fall fashion selfie.

  just another cup of delightful coffee. and on the other side of that coffee was a friend. whats better then coffee and rich friendship?!

Follow me on Instagram here and if you don't have instagram, well you should get it now. Its the best! 

And you should also check out this song Your Grace Finds Me.   I've just been basking in the message of the song. Its powerful friends! 

be blessed friend. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

the language of blessing.

Blessings express our feelings. They need not be traditional ones. They simply need to come from the heart. When they do, they can change lives. -  

Earlier this year Nate and I had the privilege to spend some time with a couple that has been successful in business and many other areas of life as well. We noticed that in conversation they often talked about how blessed they are. They told us about speaking aloud how blessed they are has made such a huge difference in there lives and also there outlook on life. 

I was so challenged by that thought and decided to put that to practice in my own life. Because I always tend to see the negative in life. I see the worst in people before I see the good. I see all the problems in this world before I see the freedom we have. 

Its been amazing to me to see how much my heart and outlook on life has shifted from very negative to feeling so thankful and blessed for all the good in my life. And let me just add its not just physical blessings -its relationships, its a loving husband, its the gift of salvation and the list could go on. 

We have an opportunity to look at our lives and decide what to focus on. Will it be the tragedy, the pain, the hardship? Or will it be a blessing? 

“May God be gracious to you and bless you and make his face shine upon you, that God’s ways may be known on earth and his salvation among all nations.” – Psalm 67:1,2

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Giveaway Winner!

 So my 30th birthday was above and beyond anything I ever expected or dreamed of. I truly felt so loved and celebrated by so many people. 

I started the day off with a bible study with some ladies from church. We are going through Ephesians and it was honestly just what my heart needed. After that I had lunch with a dear friend who always inspires and encourages me so much! And then my darling husband threw a party last night and it was
a delight to have so many of our closest friends come celebrate with me!
 It was just a delightful day all around! 
I was so wrapped up in soaking up the moments and enjoying everyone that I totally forgot to take any pictures. 

I was also totally blown away by all of your comments on my giveaway yesterday! Next time I need a shot of encouragement I am totally going back those those comments. They all brought such a smile to my face! 
And speaking of the giveaway.. The winner is..
Lucy Swartzentruber

I had so much fun picking out the items and was so blessed / encouraged by all your love that I may just have to do this again!

via pinterest

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Favorite Things Giveaway.

So to celebrate my 30th birthday I thought it would be fun to do a little giveaway filled with some of my favorite things. I love birthdays and I love getting and giving gifts. I had so much fun picking out a few of my favorite things!!

  // Elf Lip Balm and Exfoliator - I love this stuff. It leaves my lips feeling so soft.
 // $10 Caribou Gift Card - I adore caribou! 
 // Washi Tape - I may also be obsessed with collecting this stuff. It's so fun to use!
 // Nail Polish  - You can never have to much nail polish. 
 // Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans - You cant go wrong with these things.

To Enter: 
Leave a comment and let us know what one your favorite things is right now.

Giveaway will close at midnight 10/18

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

On turning 30

The Past 10 Years.

When I was 20, I went to Africa on a missions trip.
When I was 21, I co- managed a small family style restaurant
When I was 22, I moved into my own house and made a job change
When I was 23, I went to Nicaragua on a mission trip
When I was 24, I finished college and started full time at Chick-fil-A
When I was 25, I went on a cruise to the Bahamas with my best girl friends and also had the honor of being in two girl friends wedding's
When I was 26, I took Perspectives and went to Asia.
When I was 27, I started dating my husband.
When I was 28, I got married.
When I was 29, I quite my job and joined my husband working for our business.

As I reflected on the past 10 years, the biggest thing I noticed about myself is all the change and personal growth that's happened. I've gone from living under a lot of pain and hurt to living in grace and healing. I've also learned to be at rest with whatever season God has me and enjoy the everyday moments. I've been so richly blessed with a wonderful husband, family and so many dear friends. A good job, a cute little apartment that suits our needs just fine right now and a church that I love and cherish so much.  

I am so richly blessed!

What I want to do in the next 10 years.

 + Travel to Europe.
 + Have a baby or two.
 + Pay off my school loans.
 + Embrace who I am and the gifts God has given me.
 + Encourage women and nurture closer friendships.
 + Learn to Sew
 +Adopt a child

This made me laugh..

Funny Birthday Ecard: I'm 30 but I still feel like I'm 20... until I hang out with 20 year olds... then I'm like, nope never mind, I'm 30.
     image via someecards

Friday, October 11, 2013

happy birthday to my favorite man.

Ahh I get to do life with this guy. Its just simply the best. 
So today on his birthday I just want to say how much I adore him. 
How much life and joy he brings into my life. 
How much he's taught me to live large and dream big. 
How much he's shown me what it means to live in grace and show grace to others. 
I admire and am so grateful for who he is as man and also a business owner. 
He works so hard and give's his business everything he has. 
Life is just one big adventure with this guy!
Happy Birthday Babe! 

Weekend in Chicago.

    A couple months ago my friend Amanda and I came up with the idea that we needed a little get away and since Chicago is relativity close to us and a really fun city with so much to see and do well that seemed like a great to place to head to for a couple of days. We made plans to stay in the suburbs and then take the train into the city. I've done that in the past and I didn't remember it being so complicated. But somehow this time around it didn't end up being as easy as I thought it would be. Transportation around the city ended up being a small nightmare and we both decided we like our small towns that we can get around in easily. 

We had such a great relaxing time. Coffee shops, books and lazy mornings where some of my favorites! 

    And shopping. The 2nd largest mall happened to be just a mile from our hotel so we of course spent lots of time there. And they had some of my favorite stores, like Anthropologie and H&M. Its maybe a good thing I don't have either of those very close to my house?!
        I left feeling so encouraged and refreshed by our little getaway weekend. And also I am so thankful for a husband who encourages me to do these kinds of things. I am so blessed!

 Happy Friday!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunshine Award.

My sweet friends Lauren and Ashley both nominated me this week for the Sunshine Award.  So here goes a whole lot of random nonsense about me. 

                              So here's the scoop on how this whole blogger award thing works. 
                                               1. Include the award logo in your post.

2. Link to the person who nominated you.

3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.

4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award. Link the nominees to your post and notify them!

Here we go with Ashley's questions.  
 1. What is your favorite place you’ve ever been?
2. What is the blog you visit the most outside of your own?
My bestie Shelley. Its easy for me to fall behind in reading blogs, but I always make sure to catch her posts. You should go check her out.
3. Did you have any childhood pets? Tell us all about them!
I used to have a little puppy. We lived beside a busy highway and he ended up getting killed. I was pretty heartbroken.
4. What would be your dream job?
Open my own Cafe/Coffee Shop
5. What was your favorite childhood toy?
My uncle gave me a doll one Christmas that I remember spending hours and hours playing with.
6. Tell us something most readers probably don’t already know about you
My toenails must be painted at all times. I cant stand bare toes.
7. Are your finger and/or toe nails painted right now, if so what color?
Yes. Toes are really dark purple and my fingers dark grey
8. What is a talent you don’t have but wish you did?
I wish I could sing and play music.
9. What was the last really amazing meal you had?
Last night I had this killer Cobb Salad.
10.Who is the most dialed number in your outgoing calls?
My husband.
11. What are you most looking forward to between now and the end of the year? 
I am pretty stoked about all the goodness that this month will hold. 
And Laurens.

1. What city have you visited and didn't like? Why?
New York City. Its fun for a day, but a nightmare to get around in.
2. What is your favorite clothing store?
JCrew, Loft, H&M and Forever21
3. Do you prefer the city, suburbs, or country?
 4. What is your favorite TV show?
 5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I love night time! 
6. Pancakes or French Toast? Why?
French Toast!! 
7. E-reader or books?
8. Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Fall and Spring. 
9. Do you have a favorite blog post?
Hm no. Not one that comes to mind. 

 So here's where I am going to be really lame and not tag anyone else. Basically if you want to play along answer the following questions and link back to this post. 

1.What inspires you? 
2.Whats your favorite thing about fall? 
3.Whats your dream car? 
4. What trait do you most admire about yourself? 
5. Whats your least favorite thing to shop for? 
6. Where is your favorite place to read? 
7. What is one thing you wish you could have told your self in your teenage years? 
8. Who is one person that has greatly influenced you? 
9. What drives you? 
10. Breakfast or Dinner?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Randomness.

 I've been feeling really uninspired recently, maybe it's because I am not getting enough sleep or maybe it's because I feel life changes coming on. Whatever it may be, it's time to get out of this funk and get back into the swing of things. This fun little list has been floating around blog land and well it looks like the kind of list that may get some inspiration flowing through these brain cells.

Making| pumpkin cheesecake.
Drinking| lemon water.
Reading| made to crave and ephesians.
Wanting| a whole new wardrobe.
Looking| forward to this weekend.
Playing| lead yourself well sermon series.
Wasting| time on instagram. its a real addiction.
Sewing| nothing. nothing at all.
Wishing| for certain relationships to be what they once where.
Enjoying| the smell of fall.
Waiting| for hubs to get home.
Wondering| what the next year will hold.
Loving| lazy weekends at home with my hubs.
Hoping| that my 30's will be even better then my 20's.
Marveling| at God's goodness.
Needing| more grace and love in my life.
Smelling| a pumpkin spice candle.
Wearing| warm soft hoodie.
Noticing| the tree's are turning colors.
Knowing| I only have 2 more weeks in my 20's.
Feeling| peaceful.
Thinking| about what to get hubs for his birthday.
Bookmarking| boots and coats for fall/winter
                                                     Thankful| for my husband. he's the best.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Trim Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte (S)

I have this deep love for Pumpkin spice latte's. Something about summer coming to a close and as I anticipate upcoming fall festivities, well it has me reaching for my favorite fall treat. But here's the deal this lovely drink at Starbucks has a ton of sugar in it. Like a whooping 49grams. Something this girl just cant handle. So when I found this recipe posted a couple weeks back on the Trim Healthy Mama  group I knew I had to try my hand at it and spoil myself with one of these delightful drinks on a daily basis.

1c. pumpkin 
2 c. water 
1/2 c. sugar free caramel coffee syrup 
2tsp. coconut oil 
2tsp. pumpkin pie spice 
1-2 tsp cinnamon 
1/2c xylitol
pinch of salt 

Cook over medium heat until thickened. Remove from heat and add 1tsp vanilla. Poor into glass jar and refrigerate. 
 To make Latte- Use 3-4 T. Pumpkin Sauce , 2-3T Cream and fill the rest of your coffee cup with coffee. Stir really well. Top with whip cream and cinnamon.  

*A note on sweeteners- I have chosen to use xylito, but you could use stevia, truvia or whatever sweetener you prefer.

Linking to Trim Healthy Tuesday.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Recently on Intsagram.

Last weekend was the 2 year anniversary of the first time Nate and I met. So we had to celebrate with coffee and a carrot muffin at Caribou. Its crazy to think back to that day and think about how much different my life looks now then it did then. All I can say is I feel so blessed to be where I am at today and to be married to the man I am! Our weekends have also been busy with a birthday party for my dear friend Joni, a beautiful backyard wedding for one of my Asia teammates and also friends from Indiana coming to spend the weekend with us!

Happy Monday! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Recently there has been this personality test floating around blog land and well I caved and had to take it. Because this kind of stuff always fascinates me. I had to take one of these tests in college and I was hoping since it's been a few years maybe I've changed a lot and would get something different this time around. Nope. It looks like much hasn't changed in 5 years. 


 For the most part its pretty much right on.

ENFJ in a Nutshell

ENFJs are idealist organizers, driven to implement their vision of what is best for humanity. They often act as catalysts for human growth because of their ability to see potential in other people and their charisma in persuading others to their ideas. They are focused on values and vision, and are passionate about the possibilities for people.

ENFJs are typically energetic and driven, and often have a lot on their plates. They are tuned into the needs of others and acutely aware of human suffering; however, they also tend to be optimistic and forward-thinking, intuitively seeing opportunity for improvement. The ENFJ is ambitious, but their ambition is not self-serving: rather, they feel personally responsible for making the world a better place.
 Oh yes. that whole thing about having a lot on our plate and seeing possibility for people and the world. That would be me!

ENFJs are typically good communicators, talented at using words to connect with others. They are perceptive about people and enjoy talking about relationships. They often enjoy helping others solve personal problems and like to share their insights about people, their emotions, and their motivations. They are empathetic sometimes to the point of being over involved, and can become exhausted if they are surrounded by too much negative emotion. 
ENFJs have a strong need for close, intimate relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort in creating and maintaining these relationships. They're very loyal and trustworthy once involved in a relationship. 

Yes and Yes. I often feel frustrated and hurt when I spend time investing into a relationship and feel very loyal to that friendship and then its not preceded back to me. I am still learning and growing in that area. 
 I also found it interesting that a lot of the career choices mentioned for ENFJ's are things that I have already done in the past or have considered doing. 

Take the survey, you won't regret it ;)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fall Bucket List

The last couple of mornings I've woken up to a bit of chill. It went from being scorching hot to sweater weather in just a matter of days. While I am sad to say goodbye to summer, fall is like the next best thing. There is so much to love about fall, the pumpkin spice lattes, fall fashion, the change of color in the leaves. Its all so lovely and one of my favorite seasons.
 So in the spirit of fall here's what's on our to do list.

1. Go to the Apple Orchard 
2. Attend an Iowa Football Game 
3. Make a Pumpkin Pie

4. Drink as many Pumpkin Spice Lattes as possible 
5. Family Photoshoot  
6. Carve a Pumpkin

7. Attend the Fall Festival
8. Have friends over for a Fall Party
9. Celebrate our Birthdays
  10. Visit the local Winery

I also cant wait to try making some of these delightful looking dishes.

Whats your favorite thing about fall?

Friday, August 30, 2013

happy birthday to my mama.

She is a woman of strength. 
She is a woman of wisdom.
She is a woman with a servants heart.
She is a strong woman.
She is a loyal friend and mother. 
She has the gift of hospitality. 
She is creative. 
She can cook some amazing food!
That's my mom!


I've learned a lot over the years from my mom, like how to work hard, how to stick to something even when it wasn't fun or I didn't feel like it, how to score a good deal, how to serve others, how to be a fiercely loyal friend and wife.

My mama is no stranger to loss, as a young bride she lost her mama to cancer, some years later her brother and then later in life 2 children. She could have become bitter and angry at God. But I admire the fact that she didn't. She kept on walking, even when the pain was almost unbearable.  I admire that about my mom! The strength and courage she shows when life throws hard horrible things our way! The faith and trust in God that doesn't waver.
I am so thankful for my for my mom and I hope someday I can be half the mom that she has been to me and my siblings. Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Inspiring Reads

Yes yes.. A good book, a cup of coffee and well I'll be the happiest person around for days. I love to read and you could quickly figure that out if you saw the stacks of books laying beside my bed or the books laying on our coffee table. I also have boxes of books in storage-- which makes me really sad, but we just simply don't have any room to put up bookshelves right now. Someday I'll have a reading room with unlimited amounts of room for my books.  Recently I've been reading..

                               Breaking Free                                                   Made to Crave

Maybe when I am finished with these reads I'll come back with a review, but for now I'll just say I am liking what I've read so far, only a few chapters in. 

And some good inspiring reads from blog world recently. 

What have you been reading? I would love to hear! 
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